Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January Meal of the Week: Three

Homemade Fettuccine Sauce & Pasta (plus bread)

ON: JANUARY 16, 2014

Where I Found It:  Pinterest, naturally. (You should know that I was looking for an impressive recipe to try, but easy and not super time consuming)

Things that went well: 
-The noodles came out REALLY solidly. Honestly, I don't usually do that well with noodles...
-Sauce tasted yummy and was way easier to make than seemed possible.
-Toasted the bread to perfection (my specialty ;))

Things that weren't my favorite:
- The sauce (although yummy), was very thick and filling... so it felt like alot to even have a little.

Overall, I think it served its purpose. It fed all four of us and tasted good.  However, the entire time I was cooking, I thought I wasn't going to have enough food, so I kept making back up Mac&Cheese plans in my head... but we actually had left overs so all that worrying for nothing.

Also, the recipe called for 8 oz of cream cheese, so I used this half greek yogurt/half cream cheese package (for a dollar more), but it was so much better for you... (At least that's what Sharon told me, she reads the labels). And, it's upside down for no reason?

It tasted good to me. So I may be using that more often! (Or maybe I shouldn't make so much stuff with cream cheese... I don't know)

Lastly, as we were all getting our food, I burned my hand on the pot and managed to drop the spoon (which was covered in sauce) on the floor and gave myself a little sauce shower. So, that was cool.

Anyway, dinner was a SUCCESS! 

loveeee youuuu <3

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