Saturday, January 4, 2014

Starting Out :)

In my life, I hardly take anything very seriously (a trait so generously passed down by my sweet pops). However, the few things I do take seriously, a tend to take VERY seriously (this probably brought on by my beautiful mother). Though the list is short, at the top sits my love for New Year's Resolutions.

 I know that they've sort of become one of those things that everyone does and they rarely see it through, but yearly, I find myself striving vigorously to adhere to these silly set of rules of made for myself.  In this moment of honesty, I'll tell you that I have a less than 50% success rate. It's not for lack of trying, it's simply because I always pick things that are REALLY hard for me, but that I really want to do. It probably also doesn't help that I make a list of 12-15 things to work on yearly, but whatever, you've got to have goals right? 

Anyway, in 2013, I had this whole list of ideas set out for myself. 

Some of the things I do WRONG
1) I'm always picking things like "Being Kind to Others" and a few other open ended things that are based on emotion. But I tell you what, every year I can't stop myself from writing down these pleasant little things. In theory, it's a nice idea, but very hard to keep track of (and truthfully, I'm not very kind to begin with). So I don't ever count those as successful. 
2) I don't give myself enough credit when it comes to giving up things that are difficult for me to give up. For instance, in 2012, I gave up meat (but not fish). However, by June, I was struggling, so I had some chicken. But instead of cutting my losses, and trying again to go meatless, I just ended up eating meat for the rest of the year because I felt like I had already failed. I didn't much care that I've gone six months without something I ate every day, I had ruined it.
3) Never fails, I lose my list. I've started taking pictures so it's easier to remember. However, in 2013, I told myself I was going to start journalling.  Maybe not every day, but starting to track how I was doing regularly. I was so confident in myself that I wrote my resolutions in the journal. By March, journal and list were completely missing in action.

The things I do RIGHT:
1)I think that by picking 12-15 resolutions, I personally feel better. It doesn't matter if I do a certain percentage of my resolutions, so long as I do 4-5 of them, I feel pretty happy with myself.
2) I pick some things that are moderately easy and I mix them in with the super hard things. Example, I don't drink much soda, but I am fiend for a good icee. So I gave up soda and slurpees in 2013 so that I wouldn't be even remotely tempted to have either.
3) I have a pretty solid mixture of resolutions for different parts of my life. It's not all working out, food, or health related. I try to do about threeish for work, three for my room/house/car, four for food/health, and then a few for my own personal growth (which is why I always put 'being kind' on the list).
4) Typically, I don't give up things that are part time to me. For instance, I probably wouldn't give up watching movies or playing video games, unless the were hindering me from doing my job or living my life? 

In 2013:
-I successfully went 365 days without a soda, slurpee or eating any food from a drive through window. 
 -I failed to keep any kind of journal, did awful at eating breakfast everyday, and putting my laundry away RIGHT AFTER it came out of the dryer. 

Now to the important part: the whole reason behind this new blog (since I have a blog that I haven't written a post in in over a year).My last blog was not very successful because I treated it like an online journal of every aspect of my life. It wouldn't be about anything in particular, but more about things that were just happening normally.  Now, maybe if I had a family/children or did anything remotely interesting everyday, then that blog would have worked out for me. However, since I'm overly boring and constantly forgetting to keep track of anything, I find myself sound drab in that kind of blog.
So 2014, NEW BLOG, new ideas, different concept. I am going to only really write about things that have managed to change the way I think, see, feel, or experience life. 

My resolutions 
This is a slightly rough draft of my resolutions this year. Most of the them are pretty self explanatory. And a few of them are majorly fueled by Pinterest.
-The Dollar Week Budget (which is not the real name for it, but is the easiest way to remember it for me).  The idea of it is that every week of the year, you put a corresponding amount of money into a jar.  By the end of the year, you've managed to save over $1,000! 
-Vacuuming is seriously my very least favorite chore.  I can't emphasize enough my hatred for it. So I am going to try to do it more often....and hopefully I don't break the cleaner on purpose :) 
-I hardly make times to see my friends (if they aren't Dontae) and I need to work on that because I love them all so much.

This blog is due in major part to my "Cooking Once a Week" resolution.
  I am really good a whole handful of things, but finding my way around a kitchen is NOT one of them. I am a solid salad, toast, and cereal maker. I actually CAN bake, even from complete scratch, but you, unfortunately, can't have dessert for the rest of your life. So I've decided to give myself a much needed shove in the direction of actually being able to feed myself with having to sit down and tip someone else for bringing it to me. Hopefully, most of my posts will recipes that I find and was successful with...hopefully. 

Well all that being said, wish me luck.  I am usually super confident (almost arrogant), but I know how bad I am at cooking... so don't expect much! 
Here goes nothing, I guess :)

loveeee youuuu <3 

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